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Reading time : 4 min
Est-ce que l'harpagophytum est bon pour l'arthrose ?
Vous souffrez d’arthrose et vous cherchez un complément naturel ? L'harpagophytum ou “Griffe du diable” est une plante aux vertus reconnues pour ma...
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Reading time : 4 min
Can we combine harpagophytum and Turmeric?
Organic harpagophytum and turmeric stand out for their numerous health benefits. Originating from different regions of the world and used for centu...
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Reading time : 5 min
How to consume harpagophytum?
Originally from South Africa, harpagophytum (also called “devil's claw”), is a root used for centuries for its remarkable phytotherapeutic properti...
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Reading time : 3 min
The benefits of Horsetail
Horsetail, also known as Equisetum, is a plant with multiple benefits, particularly for the joints. This often overlooked plant offers medicinal pr...
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Reading time : 3 min
The benefits of Canadian fleabane
Originally from the Amazon, Guarana, a shrub whose virtues were highlighted more than two millennia ago by the American Indians of the Tupi-Guarani...
Read the articleJoints
Reading time : 5 min
How to maintain joint comfort?
The joints, essential pivots of our mobility and our daily well-being, are constantly under stress, whether when climbing a staircase, a simple wal...
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Reading time : 2 min
Which food supplement to choose for joints?
Joint problems are common, whether due to aging, strenuous exercise, or just everyday life. Joint pain can be as subtle as mild discomfort or as in...
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Reading time : 4 mins
The benefits of food supplements for joints
Have you ever wondered how to keep your joints healthy and prevent age-related pain? Joint supplements may be the answer to this question. Their be...
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Reading time : 4 min
The benefits and properties of Harpagophytum
Used for centuries, in crushed herbal tea, to treat fevers, childbirth pains and liver and kidney pain, harpagophytum is today recognized for its e...
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Reading time : 3 min
How to help soothe joints in 5 points?
Even though bone fragility can be felt at any age, it mainly affects people over 65 years old. Over time, the joints become more sensitive, which l...
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