Health Tips

How to help soothe joints in 5 points?

Write the 08/12/2021 by Santarome Bio

Even though bone fragility can be felt at any age, it mainly affects people over 65 years old. Over time, the joints become more sensitive, which leads to more or less chronic feelings of discomfort: “rusty”, blocked, weakened joints… However, even if we do not yet have the miracle recipe for being twenty years old forever. .. Joint sensitivity should not be inevitable!

How to relieve joints naturally?

Small daily gestures for certain comfort!

A healthy lifestyle!

Even if the feelings of discomfort are not constant, it is preferable to adopt certain healthy lifestyle rules early on. Here are a few :

  • #1. Be aware that stress promotes muscle tension and therefore affects your joints.

  • #2. Stop smoking , which is no friend to your joints and no friend to your body :).

  • #3. Don't forget to drink : cartilage being made up of 75% water, staying hydrated is important!

  • #4. Every morning, when you wake up, gently practice stretches to “unlock” your joints.

  • #5 . Avoid bad postures (rounding your back in front of your computer screen, etc.) and repetitive gestures.
joints a healthy lifestyle


A key to health!

In case of bone fragility, diet is a factor that counts! A joint-friendly diet gives pride of place to minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, etc.), vitamins (vitamin D, vitamin C, etc.) and omega 3.

So prefer fruits, vegetables and plant proteins to animal proteins and processed foods which contain a lot of saturated fatty acids.

Good to know: cooking based on spices with antioxidant properties is a plus to help strengthen joints.

This principle is found in Phyto, where Turmeric is used to help maintain flexibility and joint comfort!

[Be careful of being overweight! Mechanically, the joints have more to “carry” and become fragile, particularly at the hips, knees and ankles.]

Avoid shocks!

If the effort is too violent, there is no point in forcing yourself. Physical activity in which the joints undergo shocks that are harmful to the bones and tendons should be avoided.

The risk is to cause microlesions at different locations in the joints, and therefore weaken them further.

However, there is no question of avoiding sport! On the contrary... walking, swimming or stretching can improve joint flexibility and strengthen the ligaments , which will improve their tensile resistance.

In any case, never forget the warm-ups before the activity and the stretching afterwards!

avoid joint shocks

Hot, hot, hot!

It is well known that heat (if you do not have blood circulation problems) promotes muscle relaxation and therefore soothing of the joints.

Many solutions exist to provide heat to the sore area. From the hot water bottle to different heating balms, you will inevitably find a natural solution to warm up the areas that need it!

Phyto, a friend for your joints!

Santarome Bio has designed joint comfort ampoules to help you maintain good mobility* and contribute to maintaining the flexibility of your joints and tendons**. JOINT COMFORT, it is a complex of 5 plants ( Harpagophytum , Turmeric , Horsetail , Canadian Fleabane and Blackcurrant ) associated with 500 mg of Glucosamine and 300 mg of Chondroitin sulfate , two elements naturally produced by the body and which participate in the formation of cartilage.

Our articles are purely informative and in no way replace the advice of a medical expert. If you have health concerns, consult a healthcare professional before taking dietary supplements or radically changing your diet.

*Canadian fleabane helps with joint comfort and maintaining good mobility (at a dosage of 150 mg in dry plant equivalent per ampoule in the Joint Comfort product).
*Turmeric helps maintain the flexibility of joints and tendons (at a dosage of 500 mg in dry plant equivalent per ampoule in the Joint Comfort product).

Joint Comfort - 20 Vials

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