How to combat stress naturally?
Write the 08/12/2021 by Santarome Bio
Whether good or bad, chronic or acute, stress, also described as the “evil of the century”, can quickly become harmful to our well-being.
But is it inevitable?
Yes, but before we fix it, where does the stress come from?
Stress is considered to be a set of physical and emotional reactions that we have to certain situations that we perceive as “dangerous”.
Our heart rate accelerates, our muscles tense, we have adrenaline short, our body adapts to dominate these situations
Differentiate between good and bad stress!
It is essential to first identify the nature of your stress, because yes, it can be beneficial! If it is the right stress, it will be a source of motivation and will allow you to improve your performance . Associated with a feeling of accomplishment, this stress increases self-esteem and allows you to surpass yourself. If, on the contrary, you are faced with bad stress , your sleep, your diet and your mood will quickly be impacted. Tensions in the workplace, complicated relationships between colleagues and loved ones as well as other complex personal situations can be the source... Some are more tolerant of it than others, but this scourge is becoming more and more common in our landscape of every day.

Acute stress VS chronic stress?
Then, defining whether your stress is punctual or not is a first step in taking care of it. There are two types of stress:
1) Acute: Its effect is immediate, it results from a novelty or an event of an unpredictable nature. In some cases, it may prove necessary and thus increases the effectiveness of our reactions in a critical situation. It is temporary and followed by relaxation of the body.
2) Chronic : It results from an accumulation of harmful and harmful situations which extend over the long term. It causes fatigue and exhaustion and affects the body in a prolonged and lasting way.
It also causes sleep and appetite problems, irritation and even low self-esteem. Some people will, consciously or not, try to relieve their stress through food, tobacco, alcohol or even television and online games.
In both cases, stress should not be taken lightly because whether it is acute (short term) or chronic (long term) they will both have an influence on your body !
End stress
It's possible !
Find lost energy ! Stress acts on our body and causes it to lose tone and efficiency. In such a situation, the slightest effort seems insurmountable while physical and sporting activity ultimately presents itself as an excellent remedy.
Indeed, sport helps stimulate our production of endorphins, hormones that cause a feeling of well-being . In addition, physical activity allows us to focus on something other than our worries.
To help you reduce fatigue, Santarome Bio has developed MARINE MAGNESIUM 300 , a formula with a high dose of marine Magnesium which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system(1). We have added Vitamin B6 to help you regain normal energy metabolism(1). And as in all our products, we have combined these ingredients with a trio of buds: here Hawthorn, Oak and Fig.

Seek serenity! If there is one state of mind that we seek in stressful situations, it is that of serenity and calm. But it's easier said than done because once you're immersed in the whirlwind of anxiety, you can't be zen! Indeed, stress generates sensitivity and irritability which make us vulnerable and not very serene…
Tip: Every time you feel your heart racing, remember to control your breathing:
1) Place your hands on your ribs and breathe slowly into your stomach for 3 seconds. Feel your ribs “opening” under your fingers.
2) Hold your breathing for 12 seconds.
3) Exhale slowly through your mouth for 6 seconds. Feel your ribs “closing” like an accordion.
You can imagine a cloudy sky and your breath chasing away all the clouds. This exercise aims to slow down your heart rate, but also to clear your mind.
“ Be Happy” : One thing is certain, it is that when stressed, we are not in the mood! Not in the mood to laugh, chat and enjoy the simple little pleasures that life can offer us. This is how we spread our bad vibes to those around us...we must therefore control this scourge, and quickly!
Santarome Bio offers a program of 20 ampoules of GRIFFONIA RHODIOLA : Griffonia , titrated in 5-http, contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system by improving cerebral activity(2). Rhodiola , for its part, helps reduce the impact of stress on the body(2).
Everyone has their own stress and their own way of managing it, but one thing is certain: it is not inevitable and many recipes exist to deal with it! It's up to you to listen to your body to find the right methods and thus make stress a distant and bad memory...
(1) Magnesium contributes to reducing fatigue, normal functioning of the nervous system and normal muscle function. Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy metabolism.
(2) Griffonia contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system by improving brain activity. Rhodiola helps reduce the negative impact of stress on the body.