5 tips to help you lose weight easily and sustainably
Write the 08/12/2021 by Santarome Bio
The month of July is here, and with it summer is slowly taking shape... First weekends by the sea, organization of sporting or relaxing holidays with friends or family... It's almost time to put on your swimsuit! Whatever the destination, the main thing is to feel good about yourself.
To be in shape, and above all to feel better, you can imagine a month's challenge in order to achieve your goals (aim reasonably, it is better to succeed in three or four challenges rather than being disappointed not to succeed in one too many). ambitious :)) !
Above all, to lose weight sustainably and detoxify your body, it is important to relearn how to take care of yourself, how to cook, how to find moments to relax and practice, for example, physical activity away from sources of stress (think that your bubble of relaxation and decompression is not necessarily a place, but a moment)…
Our 5 tips to help you lose weight easily and sustainably:
#1: 1,2,3 sleep!
Even if the holidays haven't started yet, make sure you sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per night in order to recover... Remember the adage "He who sleeps dines"! Indeed, chronic fatigue is a source of cravings throughout the day.
#2: Don’t act like a camel!
Drink! Drinking water (at least 1.5l per day) is an essential recommendation to follow if you want to lose weight or even simply stay in shape and avoid the appearance of nasty cellulite (cellulite, etc.)! You can also opt for the ULTRADRAINE ORGANIC drainer which will help you drain and detoxify your body.
#3: Zeeeeeen… Let’s be zen!
As the song said, cool blood in the veins in the face of stressful situations: it's a good thing to stay in shape! We know that anxiety is a factor in being overweight because it (also) often invites us to snack unintentionally!
#4: Stop addiction… to sugar! And make way for sports addiction
Two things to remember: sugar makes us addicted, but so does sport. Indeed, without mentioning immediately doing a marathon once a week, the more we move, the more we want to move! Thirty minutes of walking or exercise every day are the allies of better shape and good health .
#5: Be Gourmet, Crunchy!
Become a top chef, learn to cook fresh and good raw products... Like our starred restaurants, follow the seasonality and work raw, steamed... By favoring the use of fats of delicious plant origin that are friendly to our health ( coconut oil, sesame oil, grilled rapeseed oil, olive oil, etc.).

To help you feel lighter, Santarome Bio has selected the best of organic plants and plant buds:
The ORGANIC ULTRA SLIMMING PROGRAM triple action: 30 days to help the body detoxify (1) , stimulate drainage (2) and burn fat (3) .
The formula combines 9 ORGANIC plants and 3 ORGANIC buds. Boost your weight loss (4) before summer!
You can combine this program with ULTRADRAINE BIO : a new organic drainer concentrating no less than 10 active ingredients! The objective? Facilitate the body's detoxification process and the elimination of water (5) , and help burn fat (6) . With two delicious flavors: Green Tea/Lemon and Pineapple…to drink throughout the day! No sugar or sweeteners.
(1) Burdock helps the body to naturally eliminate its toxins.
(2) Dandelion contributes to the elimination of water and toxins.
(3)Green tea contributes to fat metabolism.
(4)Guarana promotes fat burning and weight loss in addition to dietary measures.
(5) Dandelion facilitates the body's detoxification process and promotes the elimination of water. Meadowsweet and Ash are known to facilitate the body's elimination functions.
(6)Green tea helps to lose weight in addition to dietary measures. It stimulates lipid metabolism and helps burn fat.