Health Tips

Which plants for nighttime awakenings?

Write the 19/01/2022 by Santarome Bio

Nocturnal awakenings are a real scourge, which cause poor sleep, often generate severe fatigue during the day, a certain moral unease, and which can make you more vulnerable to various illnesses. It is therefore fundamental to get quality sleep again; in this context, plants are a ready-made solution. Their virtues have been recognized for centuries and their benefits are scientifically accepted.

We explain everything about the benefits of plants to deal with nighttime awakenings, using sleep gummies.

5 plants to sleep better

We present to you five plants which help to combat sleep disorders and sleep better, to be consumed in the form of sleep food supplements such as sleep gummies , or even ampoules, capsules, tablets:

1) lemon balm : it promotes sleep and relieves nervousness and tension. Lemon balm is found in the composition of sleep gummies. Combined with valerian, it would be as effective as a chemical sleeping pill.

2) chamomile : this flower helps with relaxation, as well as physical and mental well-being. It therefore helps to fight against minor insomnia.

3) linden: it soothes and relaxes the body. As an infusion, linden flowers help fight insomnia. Good night sleep gummies contain lime blossom, to make it easier to fall asleep.

4) valerian : this flower activates the release of γ-aminobutyric acid, often abbreviated to GABA. This neurotransmitter provides a calming and relaxing effect on the body, making it easier to fall asleep. Valerian is therefore ideal for soothing mild sleep disorders. It can be consumed in the form of sleep gummies.

5) California poppy : this plant, also called Eschscholtzia , promotes relaxation and improves the quality of natural sleep. It helps you fall asleep quickly thanks to its sedative and anxiolytic properties.


In what form should we take plants suitable for nocturnal awakenings?

Ampoules : organic melatonin sleep ampoules can be composed of melatonin, combined with plants that promote sleep and limit waking up in the middle of the night, such as linden, valerian, passionflower or California poppy. Melatonin, in other words the sleep hormone, taken as a treatment, helps reset the biological clock, gradually reducing the time it takes to fall asleep. It is also effective in mitigating the effects of jet lag. The Melatonin Sleep food supplement also contains a trio of hawthorn, fig and lime buds. This treatment is followed over 3 weeks, at the rate of one ampoule per day, to be taken before bedtime with a large glass of water.

Spray: for those who prefer this format, it is possible to consume plants that promote sleep in the form of a spray, to be sprayed under the tongue in the evening at bedtime. The Santarome spray based on bud macerates is a precious ally for those who seek sleep for a long time without finding it.

Herbal teas : many herbal teas help you relax in the evening and fall asleep more easily. We find, for example, lemon balm, lime blossom, lavender, chamomile or fennel. They are best drunk hot before bedtime.

Capsules : there are also food supplements for sleep in capsule form , for example based on passionflower or California poppy. They are consumed in one or two capsules in the evening before bedtime.

Gummies : no need for a glass of water to consume these chewing gums with their good blackcurrant flavor! Santarome organic sleep gummies contain lemon balm, chamomile, California poppy, linden and valerian. These plants help to help you fall asleep, relax your body and mind, and provide peaceful, quality sleep.

In addition to sleep gummies, remember to implement a healthy lifestyle. Sleep in a room that is well ventilated during the day and not too heated. Avoid screens in the hour before bed. Take this time to read a book, relax, take a bath, drink herbal tea, and thus prepare your body for sleep.

If you wake up, stay calm, breathe slowly and do not try to go back to sleep at all costs, to avoid further stress. If your sleep problems persist despite everything, or you have a health problem that could cause you to wake up at night and disrupt paradoxical sleep, do not hesitate to consult a sleep specialist.

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