The best plants to boost your energy
Write the 31/01/2022 by Santarome Bio
Do you often feel tired during the day? You are far from being alone: 56% of French people say they are tired, and 70% of them indicate that they suffer from lack of sleep.
Fatigue, the new evil of the century? To counter its effects, to be fully operational at work and regain all your energy, plants consumed as energy supplements are very effective natural auxiliaries. Do you know the best plants to boost your energy?
But also the different forms of energy supplements in which you can consume them, such as gummies?
Eight plants to boost your energy
Certain plants are good allies, as an energy food supplement, to fight against chronic fatigue.
Discover eight of them:
· Ginseng : this root from Asia is renowned for developing physical strength and countering concentration problems when infused for 10 to 15 minutes in boiling water. Please note, this plant is not recommended in cases of hypertension, but also in children under 12 years old, pregnant women and people with hormone-dependent cancer.
· Mate : it is consumed in the form of a hot drink, particularly in South America. This drink stimulates the body and mind and improves responsiveness thanks to the caffeine it contains.
· Acerola : despite its appearance, it is in reality not a cherry but still a fruit, rich in vitamin C what's more! This energy food supplement grows in South America and is sometimes consumed in the form of a juice with a tangy taste. At Santarome, we also offer delicious acerola tablets to chew.
Acerola also contains vitamin B5, vitamin A and manganese in large quantities.
· Spirulina : this is arthrospira platensis, a species of cyanobacteria resembling algae, rich in vitamins A, D, E , and K. This plant is very protein-rich , and also contains carotenoids in large quantities, including beta carotene. This superfood is used, among other things, to boost the immune system, improve physical performance, and fight attention disorders.
· Ginger : if you like ginger, don’t hesitate to eat it in quantity! Ginger strengthens your immune defenses and boosts your energy. Known for 5000 years, ginger has proven itself and has established its reputation as an energizing plant.
· Maca : this tuber is used in powder form to fight against free radicals generated by fatigue and stress. Thus, maca helps to regain more mental and physical energy, but also contributes to better sleep thanks to its natural cocktail of vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, D3, E) and minerals (calcium, potassium, copper , magnesium, phosphorus, zinc).
· Guarana : this fruit is naturally very rich in caffeine, so it has the power to boost energy and help with concentration. It improves cognitive performance, is anti-fatigue and relieves headaches. Guarana is often consumed in the form of an energy drink, and is not recommended for pregnant women.
· Moringa: the leaves of this tree help to strengthen the immune system and give a boost of energy, thanks to the minerals and vitamins (A, C, E) it contains. Without theine or caffeine, this energy food supplement is a good alternative to tea and coffee.
In what form should medicinal plants be taken to boost your energy?
You can consume these medicinal plants, as well as others, in different forms, such as gummies, ampoules, capsules or tablets, in order to fight against fatigue:
● As a hot drink: in the form of an infusion, or combined with green tea.
● Gummies : chewing gummies allow you to boost your energy without feeling like you are consuming an energy supplement.
● Capsules: as an energy food supplement.
● Ampoules: in the form of an ampoule cure.
● Energy drink: as a cold drink to consume occasionally to get a boost.
● Essential oils: for example peppermint to massage the back of the head in cases of intellectual fatigue.

Organic Santarome for an energizing plant cure?
Santarome Bio cures , to regain energy, are produced based on energizing plants such as acerola, ginseng, moringa or maca. All products, particularly the gummies, have an organic composition and are 100% made from plants.
You have the choice of the form of product to start a cure: boost energy gummies with guarana, acerola and ginseng, Immunit' gummies, a complex of Vitality buds in drops, Energy Boost or Vitality ampoules based on ginseng, maca or moringa, Vitality capsules with ginger and baobab, or Pure tablets organic spirulina .
To boost your energy naturally, medicinal plants are the ideal aids. Did you know that they can be used for many other purposes? You can consume it in the form of gummies to have beautiful skin or hair, get quality sleep, strengthen your immune system, or even relax.