Health Tips

Water retention: three techniques to deflate quickly

Write the 19/10/2022 by Santarome Bio

Very unpleasant and unsightly, water retention can nevertheless be helped by simple means and suitable food supplements . At Santarome Bio, we offer adapted solutions to best manage your water retention problems.

Discover our food supplements for blood circulation !

What is water retention? 🚶

We speak of water retention when water accumulates in the tissues of our body, which causes swelling.

Water retention is mainly observed in certain parts of the body: fingers, thighs, stomach, legs, etc.

Relatively unsightly, water retention can also be a warning sign of more serious illnesses. In case of prolonged and painful water retention, consult a doctor urgently.

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What causes water retention? 👣

The causes of water retention are linked to an imbalance in the circulation of water inside the blood vessels. This is what we call Starling's balance: Our body is in fact composed on average of 65% water, naturally eliminated by the kidneys after having been filtered by the arteries. In cases of water retention, the arterial capillaries filter the water but the venous capillaries do not absorb the filtered water quickly enough. The venous capillaries, which have the role of reabsorbing filtered water at the same time as carbon dioxide and waste, no longer perform their function properly.

It should be noted that water retention problems mainly affect women, and that 50% of the female population is affected.

The causes of water retention can be varied, including:

  1. A diet high in salt.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Hormonal imbalances.
  4. Side effects of certain medications.
  5. Medical problems such as heart, kidney or liver disease, as well as thyroid disorders.

Symptoms of fluid retention may vary depending on the part of the body affected. Common symptoms include:

  1. A feeling of swelling or numbness in the limbs.
  2. Joint or muscle pain.
  3. An increase in body circumference.
  4. Sudden weight fluctuations.
  5. Tight or shiny skin on affected areas.
  6. Difficulty moving affected joints.
  7. General fatigue or weakness.

It's important to see a doctor if you have symptoms of fluid retention, especially if they are accompanied by severe pain or other unusual symptoms.

Water retention in the legs:


Fluid retention in the legs is one of the most common symptoms. You may notice swelling in your ankles, calves, or thighs, as well as numbness and pain. The legs may also feel heavy and tired. This water accumulation can be the result of a sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in salt or carbohydrates, heat or pregnancy.

Water retention in the stomach:

Fluid retention in the belly may also occur, causing bloating and abdominal swelling. This may be due to factors such as excess salt intake, menstruation, hormones, or digestion issues. However, if you experience abdominal pain, loss of appetite, or nausea, it is important to see a doctor.

What to do about water retention in the long term?

In the long term, here are some measures that can help reduce water retention:

Reduce sodium intake:


Sodium is a mineral that retains water in the body, so reducing the amount of salt in your diet can help reduce water retention. Processed foods, such as convenience foods and snacks, often contain high amounts of sodium. Therefore, it is important to read food labels carefully and choose healthier, low-sodium options.

To exercise :


Exercise can help improve blood circulation and reduce fluid retention. Cardio exercises like running, brisk walking, cycling and swimming can be particularly beneficial. These activities stimulate blood circulation throughout the body, which can help eliminate excess water.

Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time:


This can lead to fluid buildup in the legs and feet. If you must stand or sit for long periods of time, take regular breaks to move and stretch your legs.

What are the right actions to adopt to deflate quickly? 📋

To get rid of water retention, there are natural techniques that have long proven their effectiveness:

By lying down and raising your legs high, you will restore blood circulation. Certain foods promote drainage, such as avocados, bananas, pistachios, nuts... rich in potassium, they can be consumed without moderation!

A poorly hydrated body tends to store water: hydrate yourself carefully by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day!

Elevate your legs:


When you experience water retention, elevating your legs can be a quick and effective solution to reduce it. Lie on your back and elevate your legs by placing a pillow under your feet. This will help restore blood circulation to the legs and reduce swelling. It is recommended to do this for 15-20 minutes several times a day.

Choose foods that promote drainage:


Certain foods can help reduce fluid retention by promoting lymphatic drainage. Potassium-rich foods like avocados, bananas, pistachios, and nuts are particularly useful in helping eliminate excess water in the body. Foods rich in fiber like green vegetables, red fruits, beans and lentils can also help improve the digestive system and reduce water retention.

Stay well hydrated:


Hydration is a key to reducing water retention. If your body is dehydrated, it tends to store more water. It is therefore important to drink enough water throughout the day to maintain good hydration. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. If you are physically active or sweat a lot, you will need to drink more to compensate for the water loss.

Cellulite and water retention, what are the links? 🍊

Generally speaking, cellulite is defined as the accumulation of fatty tissue. The skin then takes on the appearance of a padded fabric or “orange peel”. Some forms of cellulite are due to water retention; This particular typology of cellulite can have several causes:

  1. A hormonal imbalance
  2. Eating habits (diet too high in salt)

The veins do not filter water quickly enough, causing swelling, which leads to “infiltrated cellulite”.

The role of additives in water retention 🍛

Additives play an important role in water retention: water tends to stagnate in areas concentrated in sugar or salt. This is why, to avoid water retention , it is recommended to pay attention to your diet: the recommended daily salt intake is 5 to 6 grams per day, and we consume on average 12 grams per day!

This is why it is strongly recommended, when you suffer from water retention, to favor homemade preparations and to avoid prepared meals: the latter are in fact very rich in sodium. It is less well known that soft drinks such as soda are also very rich in sodium and can therefore be very harmful for water retention in the medium term.


What food supplements for water retention? 🌱

At Santarome Bio, we offer food supplements that help combat water retention.

⭐ - Melanie

Top efficiency

I took this treatment for 15 days. The tablets are simple to take, with a large glass of water. Results level: I feel that my legs are lighter and I also feel less bloated. I recommend this treatment.

Our “Organic Water Retention” tablets act on four levels to counter the effects of water retention:

  1. Green tea has draining properties. Its high catechin content makes it a diuretic plant.
  2. Organic pilosella is a perennial plant that drains toxins and increases urine volume.
  3. Organic kola nut, rich in fiber, is a food renowned for its slimming properties. It is an excellent element to lighten and refine the silhouette.
  4. Organic nettle: a depurative plant, organic nettle is rich in trace elements, which makes it an ideal ally for detoxifying the body. It eliminates toxins and waste from the body.
  5. Organic ash: Its leaves are characterized by their laxative and diuretic properties.
  6. Organic meadowsweet: It accelerates diuresis and facilitates renal elimination of water.

The “Organic Water Retention” tablets are also enriched with buds: birch, ash and blackcurrant. These buds increase the efficiency of plants tenfold for optimal water retention.

The Santarome BIO blog

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