Gemmo, the science of buds in 8 questions
Write the 08/12/2021 by Santarome Bio
For those who thought they were reading an article on precious stones and jewelry, it was a failure… Gems have nothing to do with gemmo 😉 Today, we are talking about plants. And more precisely embryos, young shoots... organic buds !
Welcome to the fantastic world of gemmo.
1) What is gemmo?
Okay, we may have lied to you a little at the beginning of this article… The term gemmo comes from the Latin gemmae which means both precious stone and bud. In reality, buds are as precious as stones. They contain all the power of the future plant .
Gemmo consists of exploiting the properties of the embryonic tissues of the growing plant to make it a concentrate of powerful natural active ingredients .
2) Where does gemmo come from?
The exceptional richness of the buds has therefore interested our ancestors since Ancient Egypt. The buds are considered the essence of life to help the normal functions of the body. And they weren't wrong!
In the Middle Ages, alchemists used buds believed to balance the general harmony of the body. But it was not until 1950 that scientific studies were carried out.
It is Doctor Pol Henry who highlights the action of the buds. They contain all the vital energy of the plant and all of its properties.
His work defines the basis of “phytoembryo”. Later it was the French homeopath, Dr. Max Tétau who developed this discipline. The “gemmo” was born.

3) Why choose the bud?
You have understood, the bud is the embryo of the plant. The bud therefore contains all of its properties of the adult plant (stem, flowers, fruits, roots) as well as its numerous active ingredients.
Did you know ? Totum is the complex and synergistic set of molecules from all parts of the plant as a whole which make the bud a concentrate of active ingredients.
4) What are the benefits of the bud then?
Gemmo, natural well-being, helps balance the body. And what does that actually mean? Here are some examples of using the active ingredients of plants and their buds:
o Poor quality sleep? Hawthorn, fig and lime, a tri-complex of buds to find calm and restful nights.
o Temporary fatigue ? Blackcurrant , rosemary and redwood , the winning trio of buds to give yourself a boost.
o Pressure, stress and mental overload ? Oak , hawthorn and fig tree , a combo of buds to find calm and serenity
5) But how to obtain this concentrated active ingredient?
Expert for more than 15 years in gemmotherapy, the buds of Santaroma Bio are harvested by hand in accordance with the principles of the Pol Henry method.
The buds used are fresh, organic and wild always combined by 3 (Tri-complex) in order to act on the general balance of the body.
Santarome Bio bud macerates are prepared using a 21-day maceration:
o ⅓ of water to dissolve vitamins, flavonoids, mineral salts, tannins and water-soluble active ingredients
o ⅓ vegetable glycerin to dissolve waxes, phenols, essential oils, flavonoids and gums
o ⅓ of alcohol to dissolve alkaloids, glycoside acids, glucosides and vitamins
All the effectiveness of the buds is thus found in the ampoules and dry forms of Santarome Bio.

6) Who is the gemmo for?
But who can benefit from the natural benefits of our dear buds? Gemmotherapy is suitable for almost all ages 1 . From children (from 4 years old) to seniors, including young professionals and athletes.
Gemmo meets all types of needs: intestinal comfort, stress, slimming detox , etc.
7) Why prefer gemmo?
Gemmo is a branch of phyto. The only difference, and not the least, is the use of the buds and not the developed plant.
The bud is the quintessence of the plant . What could be better than using the most interesting molecules for your well-being?
8) How to choose the right product?
Bud science is very demanding. The active ingredient concentrates must be the best. It is very important to select the plants before the maceration stage to collect the most powerful active ingredients.
The science of Santarome Bio is a pioneering innovation. For more than 35 years, we have been harvesting organic plants by hand in France that are most suitable for manufacturing our products of optimal quality. Thus the buds are guaranteed fresh and integrated into our products to benefit from all their active ingredients.
The science of buds has not finished revealing all its secrets to us. What is certain is that we are already won over by its natural abilities to take care of us.