10 tips to improve intestinal transit
Write the 04/05/2023 by Santarome Bio
Digestive and intestinal disorders are due to irritation of the intestines which results in the appearance of constipation, or in the opposite case, repeated diarrhea. Several symptoms reflect the disruption of our intestinal transit : bloating, stomach aches, abdominal pain. Digestive disorders disrupt digestion and in some cases can lead to a loss of appetite.
Discover 10 tips to improve your intestinal transit naturally : balanced diet, physical activity, hydration and more. Improve your well-being now!

The causes of intestinal transit disorders
There are several reasons for a disturbance in intestinal transit. There are two main causes of intestinal transit disorders: dietary causes and health-related causes.
Dietary causes
The dietary cause is often the most common reason when talking about intestinal disorders. Excessive consumption of foods rich in fat, sugar or even salt can disrupt your intestinal transit. Conversely, low fiber consumption can cause intestinal destabilization. A dietary change, such as a diet that involves eliminating certain foods, affects intestinal transit.
Eating quickly and not chewing food can also play a role in your transit disorder. In fact, eating quickly prevents the different organs from eliminating toxins. Finally, these problems can be due to an intolerance to certain foods.
Health-related causes
Bad daily habits also explain the reasons for a deterioration in transit, such as being sedentary and not exercising enough daily. Psychological factors such as stress or fatigue cause your transit to be blocked. Other situations such as immobilization following an operation or an accident, as well as bed rest illustrate this difficulty.
A tumor, Crohn's disease, an inflammatory disease are causes linked to intestinal disorder.
Other causes
A change in environment due to travel or taking certain medications are also factors in an imbalance in intestinal transit.
Santarome advice to improve intestinal transit
Eat foods high in fiber
There are two sources of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fibers can be found in fruits (orange, mango, etc.) and vegetables (carrots, asparagus) but also in legumes (lentils, chickpeas, etc.), cereals such as barley or oats. They provide a rapid feeling of satiety.
Insoluble fibers retain the water content and thus provide a feeling of swelling and thus boost intestinal transit. They are found in particular in wheat but also certain fruits and vegetables (rhubarb, broccoli, dates, etc.). Insoluble fiber acts more on intestinal transit than soluble fiber.
Drink enough water
Drinking enough water also helps improve intestinal transit. It is recommended to drink between 1 to 1.5 L of water per day. In addition, fibers need water otherwise they will be ineffective. Staying hydrated is therefore part of the process to eliminate seals.
Practice regular physical activity
Well known to everyone, physical exercise ensures better blood circulation between the organs and therefore better oxygenation of the stools. Physical activity helps absorb nutrients through the intestine. Doing physical activity fully contributes to the functioning of your intestinal transit. Several studies show that a sedentary lifestyle does not promote good transit.
Other complementary efforts like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can be a way to get a little movement in your daily life. Health experts recommend 30 minutes of activity per day.
Take food supplements
However, some people may still have difficulty even with all of these practices. Food supplements for the liver and digestion can therefore be a solution in addition to a more balanced diet. Santarome Bio food supplements contain artichoke, dandelion, black radish and charcoal. All these active ingredients help with digestion of the liver and intestines. Charcoal acts in particular against bloating. The food supplements are enriched with a trio of rosemary, juniper and birch buds. In capsules or ampoules, Santarome food supplements provide you with daily relief. Also discover our food supplements for the intestines .
Avoid processed foods
Industrialized foods found in supermarkets tend to be high in fat and sugar. It is therefore important to reduce their consumption because they are often the cause of constipation.
Take probiotics
People suffering from constipation often resort to probiotics. Indeed, the active ingredients in these capsules help relieve bloating, abdominal pain and transit problems.
Avoid foods that cause digestive problems
Certain foods disrupt the proper functioning of the intestinal system and should therefore be avoided:
Processed foods (high in fat and sugary)
The cold cuts
Certain fruits (quince, banana, etc.)
Manage stress
Stress can have a double effect and is reflected differently from one person to another: some people have too many bowel movements which disrupt their body, others encounter more problems because of this factor which influences the nervous system and thus, on the rest of the body.
Stress releases hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which disrupt the digestive system and therefore slow down intestinal transit.
In addition, stressed people tend to neglect their diet and therefore do not provide the necessary nutrients that allow the evacuation of toxins. Meditation or yoga can help you remedy this.
Take the time to eat
Otherwise, not taking the time to eat results in poor nutrient intake, particularly in fiber or other plants. In addition, not taking the time to eat and therefore eating quickly leads to the absorption of air bubbles which cause bloating. It is therefore important to eat a balanced meal and take the time to chew food well.
See a professional
Bloating, severe irritation of the transit or even continuous constipation can cause intestinal obstruction. In this type of case, it is recommended to see a doctor without delay.