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  • Sleep

Somnifor 4 ACTIONS - 30 tablets


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Discover the results of our satisfaction study!*

Want a natural solution for falling asleep quickly and restful sleep?

Discover SOMNIFOR 4 ACTIONS - 30 tablets : f high dosage of plants ( Passion flower , Valerian , California Poppy and Linden ) and Melatonin (1.9 mg per tablet) , with Lavender essential oil and buds for peaceful nights.

Without dependence .

*Usage study carried out by Expansion Consulteam, in 2022, on the food supplement SANTAROME SOMNIFOR on 100 people (woman/man), based on 1 tablet per day, after 30 days.

Faster falling asleep thanks to Melatonin

Nocturnal awakenings reduced thanks to California Poppy and Passionflower

Restorative sleep and optimal relaxation thanks to California Poppy and Passionflower

1 tablet / day, 30 minutes before bedtime.

Take advantage of our exclusive offers:

Calm Night Pack - Capsules

Need advice?
Contact Sarah and Mélanie on hello@santarome.fr


of satisfaction


of consumers feel an improvement in sleep duration after one month


of consumers recommend Somnifor 4 actions, after one month


of consumers notice an improvement in their sleep within a week

SOMNIFOR 4 ACTIONS, the unique combination of Melatonin, 4 plants, 1 essential oil and 3 buds:

- Melatonin** : helps reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and alleviate the effects of jet lag.
- Passionflower : helps induce rest and relaxation, promotes healthy, quality sleep.
- Valerian :   helps maintain natural sleep.
- California poppy : promotes restful sleep and contributes to optimal relaxation.
- Linden : promotes peaceful sleep.
- Lavender Essential Oil : helps with relaxation and reduces nervous tension. It is one of the most used essential oils thanks to its many benefits.

The trio of Hawthorn, Linden and Fig buds. Fresh, wild and harvested by hand in France, they contain all the active ingredients of the plant.

**Melatonin helps reduce the time it takes to fall asleep (effect obtained by consuming 1 mg of melatonin before bed) and to reduce the effects of jet lag (effect obtained by consuming at least 0.5 mg just before bed on the first day of travel and the few days following the day of arrival at the destination).


Dry extract of Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L.), bulking agent: acacia gum, dry extract of Poppy
California (Eschscholtzia californica Cham.), dry extract of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.), dry extract of small and broad-leaved Linden (Tilia cordata Mill. and Tilia platyphyllos Scop.), anti-caking agents: magnesium carbonate, tricalcium phosphate , glycerinated macerate of two-style Hawthorn bud (Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.), glycerinated macerate of broad-leaved Linden bud (Tilia platyphyllos Scop.), glycerinated macerate of Fig bud (Ficus carica L.) , Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.), anti-caking agent: magnesium stearate, Melatonin.
Plant Active: EU Origin

30 tablets - Net weight 33 g

Somnifor 4 ACTIONS - 30 tablets


Take 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime with a large glass of water (20cl).

In case of jet lag: 1 tablet just before bedtime from the first day of travel and the few days following the day of arrival at destination.

Did you know ?
All our formulas are completed with a trio of organic buds.

What is Gemmo?
Gemmo is a branch of phyto which uses plant buds. True elixirs, our buds are a concentrate of all the natural active ingredients of the plant (totum). So it’s concentrated phyto !

Organic Santarome Buds:
Harvested by hand, the buds used are fresh, organic and wild . We always combine them by 3 (Tri-complex) in order to act on the general balance of the body. Santarome Bio bud macerates are prepared according to Dr Pol Henry's method: maceration for 21 days in a mixture of 1/3 water + 1/3 alcohol + 1/3 glycerin.

Food supplement, cannot replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Product reserved for adults. Not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding women, people suffering from inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. Do not drive or use machines for 4 to 5 hours after taking melatonin. If taking medication (antidepressants, antiepileptics, sleeping pills, other sedatives, etc.), do not consume without medical advice. Do not use for prolonged periods. Consult a healthcare professional before use. Store in a cool, dry place, away from light, heat and humidity.

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Your opinions

Customer Reviews

Based on 220 reviews
Vraiment parfait !

Je suis vraiment très satisfaite des résultats obtenus sur ma qualité de sommeil et d'endormissement,je ne me réveille plus la nuit contrairement à d'habitude et je dois dire que c'est une grande satisfaction, je suis beaucoup plus reposée et celà joue forcément sur mon humeur !


J'ai eu un décès proche et j'avais du mal à dormir, avec des Réveils nocturnes. Et j'ai eu une otite ce qui n'a rien arrangé, rien ne faisait contre la douleur. J'ai donc pris les somnifor car il fallait absolument que je dorme. Et je cogitais beaucoup trop avant de dormir. Avec somnifor je me suis endormie en peu de temps, malgré la douleur de l'oreille j'ai réussi à dormir, et moins de Réveils nocturnes. J'ai l'impression que mon sommeil est plus réparateur. Je recommande


1er produit que je trouve qui a un vrai effet sur mon endormissement. Je me trouve plus reposer depuis que je l'utilise. Très important c'est un produit sans accoutumance, ni dépendance.

Martine Noiray

Super bon produit pour le sommeil grâce à ce produit je m endors facilement

Valérie D
Gros dodo assuré

Ayant des difficultés pour m'endormir avec souvent des réveils nocturnes, ce complément alimentaire m'a beaucoup aidé. On sent bien l'odeur de lavande mais cela ne me dérange pas bien au contraire je trouve que c'est apaisant. Facilité de prise, un comprimé avec un grand verre d'eau 30 minutes avant de se coucher. Pour ma part, j'ai rapidement ressenti de l'amélioration concernant mon sommeil. Comme je dors mieux, le matin je suis en pleine forme, je ne suis pas fatiguée.Comme j'ai bien dormi, je suis moins stressée.

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