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  • Stress

Griffonia Rhodiola - 20 vials


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Need emotional balance?

GRIFFONIA RHODIOLA - 20 ampoules combines 2 plants and 3 rigorously selected buds. Griffonia titrated in 5-HTP contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and promotes the production of well-being hormones.

The formula is completed with Rhodiola.

The formula is completed by a trio of buds: Hawthorn, Oak and Fig.

Soothes emotional stress

High dosage of Rhodiola

Enriched with a trio of Hawthorn, Oak, Fig buds

1 ampoule per day.

Take advantage of our exclusive offers

Good Mood Pack - Vials
Good Mood Pack - Vials

30,40€ 33,80€

Good Mood Pack - Capsules
Good Mood Pack - Capsules

27,70€ 30,80€

Need advice?
Contact Sarah and Mélanie on hello@santarome.fr

This original formula is composed of:

- Griffonia Simplicifolia , a wonder of nature. This African plant contains 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), a rare amino acid in the plant kingdom. Griffonia contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system by improving brain activity.
- Rhodiola , which helps reduce the negative impact of stress on the body.

This formula is completed by a trio of Hawthorn, Oak and Fig buds. True elixirs of the plant, they contain all of its active ingredients. Harvested by hand, the buds used are fresh, organic and wild.


INGREDIENTS: Purified water, dry extract of Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia (DC) Baill. ) titrated in 5-HTP, glycerinated macerate of two-style Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC.), glycerinated macerate of buds of leaves of Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L. ), glycerinated macerate of fig bud (Ficus carica L.), dry extract of Rhodiola (Sedum roseum (L.) Scop.).

20 Ampoules of 10 ml - Net volume: 200 ml

Griffonia Rhodiola - 20 vials

1 ampoule in the morning diluted in a large glass of water (20 cl) to take for 20 days. To be renewed if necessary.
1) Shake the ampoule.
2) Break one tip of the bulb using a tissue.
3) Pour the contents of the ampoule into a glass, breaking the second tip.
4) Add 20 cl of water before setting.

Did you know ?
All our formulas are completed with a trio of organic buds.

What is Gemmo?
Gemmo is a branch of phyto which uses plant buds. True elixirs, our buds are a concentrate of all the natural active ingredients of the plant (totum). So it’s concentrated phyto !

Organic Santarome Buds:
Harvested by hand, the buds used are fresh, organic and wild . We always combine them by 3 (Tri-complex) in order to act on the general balance of the body. Santarome Bio bud macerates are prepared according to Dr Pol Henry's method: maceration for 21 days in a mixture of 1/3 water + 1/3 alcohol + 1/3 glycerin.

Shake the ampoule well before use. The presence of a slight deposit due to the use of plants is natural and does not call into question the quality of the food supplement. Store away from light at a temperature below 25°C. This food supplement should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of young children. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as people taking antidepressant treatment.

Griffonia Rhodiola - 20 vials


Complete your treatment

Your opinions

Customer Reviews

Based on 65 reviews
sandrine P
Super ampoules (mieux que les gélules)

Pour éviter les gélules et l’enveloppe (cellulose)

Nathalie Buczek
Parfait pour moi

A chaque fois que je vis une période de fatigue intense, et/ou baisse de moral, je commande ma boîte Rodhiola/Griffonia, et très rapidement je me sens soutenue et mon énergie et ma vitalité remontent. J'adore.

Danielle ROBERT
sérénité assurée

je connaissais et appréciais déjà le griffonia en gélules; ici, avec la rhodiola, et en ampoules, l'efficacité est doublée.

Pauline S
Très bonne cure

Très bonne cure. Je suis quelqu’un de très anxieuse et stressé. Avec cette cure j’ai l’impression de faire moins de crise. Je me sens bien, plus détendu. J’arrive mieux à gérer mes émotions. J’ai le moral.

En toute sérénité

Depuis que j'ai découvert ce produit, je me sens plus sereine. Moins de fatigue nerveuse, des journées moins stressantes... Je gère un peu plus mes émotions au quotidien. Je recommande cette cure qui m'aide au quotidien. Et en plus, ce sont des produits de qualité et bio

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combattre le stress de facon naturelle

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