Health Tips

The five habits that prevent you from sleeping well

Write the 02/08/2022 by Santarome Bio

Are you having sleep problems ? Do you have trouble falling asleep or suffer from insomnia ? Are you tired when you wake up? Know that you are far from being alone in your situation: sleep problems affect one in three people in France.

Our sleep time has decreased significantly over the past decade. A situation that can have significant consequences: too little sleep weakens the body and makes you more vulnerable to illness. And for drivers, lack of sleep can also be very dangerous: drowsy driving is the leading cause of accidents on the road.

Here are some suggestions for getting restful sleep and starting the day off on the right foot.

No screens after 8 p.m. 📱

More than one in two French people do not turn off their cell phone at night, and at least one in five French people leave it in a waking state. Habits that are harmful to sleep.

If you manage to make the right decision to cut off your screens in the evening, you will quickly notice the beneficial effects of this habit: in fact, cell phones harm the quality of sleep for different reasons:

First, screens emit blue light, which sends “daytime” signals to the retina. The brain interprets these signals by not releasing melatonin, the sleep hormone, which explains why people who check their screens in the evening have poor quality sleep. This is why, even with very limited lighting, it is strongly recommended not to fall asleep with a phone or tablet. Prefer books or soft music.

Furthermore, the information delivered by cell phones overstimulates the brain and keeps it in a state of cognitive excitement which does not prepare you for sleep. This is called the sentinel effect.

Finally, the question of waves released by cell phones is the subject of numerous studies and is not strictly defined. Even if their impact on the brain is not established, it is advisable to put your phone in airplane mode before going to bed.

What are the best positions for sleeping? 💤

Sleeping comfortably and deeply is essential for our well-being. Did you know that the position you sleep in can impact the quality of your sleep? Although there is no universal ideal position, certain positions are known to promote restorative rest.

  1. On the back : allows correct alignment of the spine, relieves body tension and prevents reflux and wrinkle problems.

  2. On the side : promotes better breathing, reduces snoring and lower back pain. Place a pillow between the legs to improve body alignment.

  3. In fetal position : provides a comforting sensation, reduces snoring and lower back pain. Be careful not to be too tucked in to avoid muscle strain.

Falling asleep after midnight 🕛

Are hours of sleep before midnight more restorative than those after midnight? The answer is nuanced: our sleep is governed by circadian cycles, that is to say an alternation of light sleep and heavier sleep .

The first sleep cycle is the most important, this is when our cardiovascular functions slow down.

It is therefore the beginning of our nights which is essential to guarantee peaceful nights, and not bedtime.

However, falling asleep in the middle of the night will not be as restorative as going to bed at 11 p.m., even if your sleep duration is the same.

In fact, your internal clock understands that the night will be shorter: when you go to bed in the middle of the night, the body “skips” the first sleep cycle, and goes directly to paradoxical sleep, which is lighter and less restorative.

In any case, the essential thing to guarantee peaceful sleep is to go to bed at regular times. Your body will take note of your habits and adapt the cycles accordingly.


Avoid caffeine and exciting drinks after 5 p.m. ☕

Rather than coffee, we advise you to take soothing drinks such as herbal teas, made from plants whose sedative properties are universally recognized:

Some herbal teas are composed of plants that you will find in Santarome Bio’s Sommei l food supplements :




For full effectiveness, we advise you to take your herbal tea half an hour to one hour before going to sleep.

Avoid meals that are too heavy and difficult to digest 🍔

If you have trouble falling asleep after a good, slightly watered meal, it's normal: your body is working to digest, and increases body temperature.

We advise you to favor light meals, without red meat and with little or no alcohol.

Do you feel heavy and uncomfortable at bedtime? Chamomile tea will restore your body and allow you to fall asleep more peacefully.

Sleeping in a room that is too heated or not heated enough

Between 16 and 18°C, the temperature is considered ideal for falling asleep . Indeed, our brain spontaneously plays the role of thermal regulator when falling asleep .

A poorly heated bedroom makes it difficult to fall asleep , because your body must produce energy to warm your body. But a room that is too heated is not beneficial either; too high a temperature can cause headaches and disrupt circadian cycles.

Note that for a baby, the rules are slightly different: a temperature of 18 to 20°C is ideal.

If you recognize yourself in any of these habits, you now know how to avoid them and find restful nights. Are you experiencing sleep disorders that have a significant impact on your daily well-being? A course of Santarome Bio Sommeil food supplements could be very beneficial.

Food supplements to sleep better 💊

Dietary supplements have become a popular solution for improving sleep quality.

Discover Santarome’s Organic Bonne Nuit gummies, a natural solution for quality sleep. Their unique formulation combines soothing plant extracts such as lemon balm, chamomile, linden and completed by a trio of organic buds. Made with fruit pectin, these gummies are easy to take and ideal for people who prefer to avoid pills. Enjoy a peaceful night without harmful chemicals thanks to their 100% Organic and 100% Vegan composition.

Sleep Melatonin 20 ampoules of Santarome Bio is another effective solution for falling into the arms of morphea. Our exclusive formula combines Melatonin with four plants: Linden, Valerian, Passionflower and California Poppy. In addition, our formula is enriched with a precious trio of buds: Hawthorn, Fig and Linden, carefully harvested by hand to preserve all their essential compounds. The highly dosed Melatonin in our formula allows you to take full advantage of its benefits to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and reduce the effects of jet lag.

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