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Reading time : 5 min

Les compléments alimentaires pour les cheveux sont-ils adaptés à tous les cheveux ?

Facteurs externes, alimentation déséquilibrée, stress... Les causes d'une chevelure terne et fragilisée sont multiples. Et si la solution se trouva...

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Beauté bien-être

Reading time : 5 min

Les bienfaits du Fenouil

Au-delà de son héritage historique, le fenouil, ce légume à l’odeur légèrement anisée, se distingue par sa richesse nutritionnelle. Gorgé de vitami...

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Reading time : 4 min

Les bienfaits de la kératine

Saviez-vous que vos cheveux suivent un cycle de vie bien précis ? Ce cycle, composé de 3 phases distinctes, influence la croissance, la santé et la...

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Reading time : 5 min

Le cycle de croissance du cheveu

Saviez-vous que vos cheveux suivent un cycle de vie bien précis ? Ce cycle, composé de 3 phases distinctes, influence la croissance, la santé et la...

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Reading time : 5 min

Comment consommer l'harpagophytum ?

Originaire d’Afrique du Sud, l’ harpagophytum (aussi appelée la “griffe du diable”), est une racine utilisée depuis des siècles pour ses propriétés...

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Slimming and detox

Reading time : 4 mins

The properties and benefits of Nopal

Nopal, also called prickly pear, is a cactus native to Mexico that is gaining popularity for its health-promoting properties. Rich in fiber, vitami...

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Reading time : 3 mins

The benefits of the chestnut tree

The horse chestnut is a majestic tree whose seeds contain precious secrets for the body. As a food supplement to improve blood circulation, chestnu...

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Reading time : 4 mins

The properties and benefits of Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a shrub with multiple properties recognized for centuries. Its leaves and bark are rich in tannins, substances with astringent and a...

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Reading time : 5 min

The properties and benefits of the Chestnut

From the Fagaceae family, the chestnut tree (Castanea sativa), is a large and stocky tree with deciduous foliage. Originally from Asia Minor and th...

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Liver and digestion

Reading time : 5 min

The properties and benefits of Turmeric

Originally from South America, Pineapple was named by the Guarani Indians "Nana Nana", which means "fragrant fruit", "Nana" having several meanings...

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Beauty & well-being

Reading time : 4 mins

The properties and benefits of blackcurrant

The Cassissier, or "Black Gooseberry", is a shrub native to the temperate regions of Northern and Eastern Europe. It can produce 2 to 4 kilos of fr...

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Reading time : 5 min

The properties and benefits of Pineapple

Originally from South America, Pineapple was named by the Guarani Indians "Nana Nana", which means "fragrant fruit", "Nana" having several meanings...

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Reading time : 4 mins

Stages of sleep: understanding the circadian cycle and its effects on sleep quality

Sleep is a complex process made up of different stages that are part of a cycle called the circadian cycle. This cycle, lasting approximately 24 ho...

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Reading time : 3 mins

How can herbal medicine contribute to healthy hair?

Phytotherapy, through the use of medicinal plants, proves to be a valuable ally for having healthy hair. Certain plants, such as horsetail or ginse...

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Reading time : 3 mins

The benefits of birch sap on sleep

Birch sap has notable benefits for sleep. Rich in minerals such as magnesium and potassium, it promotes muscle relaxation and regulates the nervous...

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Reading time : 5 min

The impact of food supplements on the skin, hair and nails

There is growing interest in beauty supplements for those looking to improve the appearance of their skin, hair and nails. These products provide e...

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Reading time : 4 min

Sleep and nutrition: foods that promote better quality sleep

Are you dreaming of a good night's sleep? The key to restful sleep could well be hidden on your plate… or in a sleep food supplement! In this artic...

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Beauté et bien-être

Reading time : 4 min

Winter period: how to take care of your hair?

In winter, our hair is put to the test with the cold and humidity. Shampoo, food, food supplement for hair... To pamper your hair, take the lead by...

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